Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Final Year Project - Poster and Furniture Update.

Heya, people! So, it's now crunch time with barely a few precious weeks left until D-Day/Exam Day. Man, time sure does fly.

In this week's update, I'm going to show you the work-in-progress poster illustrations as well as the progress I've made with working on the furniture.

Character Posters

There's not a great deal to see here yet, since these show the base watercolour washes that I applied and next to nothing else. These photos were taken last week, though, so progress has been made since. It just hasn't been documented. ^^;

W.I.P of Charlene Robinson, Pree, and Ramesh Goatee.

W.I.P of Growlford Barkley, and Countess Whiskeria

You'll notice that Lizzy Rexxy is missing from the event, but his watercolour silhouette will be getting re-cut tomorrow. I can just hear him saying that the best got saved for last. <_<

Character Furniture

I spent much of last week doing a final bit of sanding, cleaning, and priming on the chairs since they will require the most work of all the pieces (the table is going to be plain).

The Chair Gang - all primed and ready.

Growlford and Lizzy Chairs.

Countess and Ramesh Chairs.

The table is currently doubling as a workbench and tool storage unit. It's time to look gorgeous will soon come. :)